Catalogue Auction Information

Unsold Lots List - May 2023 (#18) 18/05/2023 5:00 PM BST - 04/08/2023 12:00 AM BST Closed

Starts Ending 04/08/2023 12:00 AM BST

Auction Information

Lot  915 x Swit 190Wh Batteries with 4-bay Charger.

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Unsold Lots List - May 2023 (#18) 18/05/2023 5:00 PM BST - 04/08/2023 12:00 AM BST Closed

Starts Ending 04/08/2023 12:00 AM BST

Auction Information

  • 5 x Swit 190Wh Batteries with 4-bay Charger.
  • 5 x Swit 190Wh Batteries with 4-bay Charger. - 2
  • 5 x Swit 190Wh Batteries with 4-bay Charger. - 3
  • 5 x Swit 190Wh Batteries with 4-bay Charger. - 4
  • 5 x Swit 190Wh Batteries with 4-bay Charger. - 5